Monday, September 11, 2006

I quit my job last week on Thursday.. after a big argument with my ex-boss about how I think she's been using me to do jobs that are not in my job description and how I can not and will not do that for her anymore. After I spent the while of Tuesday and Wednesday cutting, laminating, and cutting 600 pieces of paper.. she claimed that I've been absent from my job, I know that I can not stand this place anymore.

Strange, really, because a few times during that day. I doubt my decision.

But now, after I went back to my work place to get my recommendation letter, I realised that I am glad I quit. The principal of the school, who suppose to be non-judgemental and fair, did not even take interest to hear about MY side of the story. After my argument with my ex-boss, he asked me to go to his office. He sat down and asked me if it's trute that I would like to quit my job. I replied "Yes".. and he said "Can I have you resignation today?" I told him that I don't have my resignation as I decided to quit less than an hour ago. He handed me a piece of A4 paper and told me to write down my resignation and give it to him before the end of the day. He also said that I don't have to come back to school after that day. I was expecting a fair treatment but apparently, I was wrong. It is the same today.. I thought that it had ended but the principal, who is a NZer, started to tell me how rude I am and threatened that he would use his relationship to his influential friends in NZ government if he ever find out that I am trying to get back into the country....

I would so sue him if he does that (Can he do that, Sam?)

What the world has come to? I wonder.. I thought that I could receive fair treatment and justice from educated people but I guess I was very naive

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