Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Don't care what others think of you. Don't care what GOD thinks of you, because He's already know you. Do your best and rejoice that you ARE completely accepted. Completely. Totally."

I've taken this from a comment from my previous post. Thanks Sam, once again you help me cope with my situation. You helped me remember something I once knew so well. Thanks again Sam. *big hug*

I seriously don't know what to write. The past two posts was, I admit, boring and depressing. But it's good to let it out. Lots lighter afterwards, eventhough that lightness only lasts 5 min.. or 10.

I've just realised that there are certain things that happened or certain things that people said about you that you need to ignore...or else, it will eat you up from inside. It's amazing that most of the time, those things are so little that it doesn't even worth thinking about or complete lies. Sometimes, those things are true, then you need to give it a thought. But how do you distinguished the truth from the lies? How do you know which one is worth thinking about and which one doesn't?

At least, God just blessed me with a purpose. A great purpose. Today, I've recieved an e-mail from administrative chairperson of Bangkok Breast Cancer Support Group about volunteer jobs. I'm so excited about it and it is just awesome to have something to look forward to. Working in this support group is no doubt a great opportunity to share my faith to other people, an opportunity to pray for other people and I wish that in the end, I will learn something from this. I'm sure that God has planned this. I'm not sure what His plan is but I can't wait to find out.

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