Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Good bye Bangkok

Finally, my last day in Bangkok *sob sob*.. 6 hours left and counting. It's getting harder and harder to leave each time I came back. I don't like saying goodbye (who does?), always bring me close to tears.. which I usually hide by looking away and take a deep breath.

Lots of things to tell you guys about. First of all, I had my wisdom tooth taken out the a week and two days ago. I've heard that it will be painful and you can't eat for days. That is not true !! Everything went fine-ish. Except when the dentist gave me injections (3 of 'em) of anesthetic and when he was pulling the tooth out, my body went really rigid.. oh, also I found out that I'm allergic to paracetamol (how lucky is that !!?) so when the guy gave me some afterwards, about an hour later.. in a sky train full of people, on my way back to Siam Center also full of people, tons of huge/massive/gigantic mosquito-bite-like things appeared on my face and neck. It was bright red and extremely itchy. So yeah, the whole experience was fun. Well, at least I can still eat, my sister thought that we'll be eating only soft food for days. Haha, nothing comes between me and my food.

It's amazing how things worked out for me here. The day that I went to the NZ embassy (for visa stuff) I found out that if I decided to hand in my application a day later, I wouldn't get my visa in time. The lady told me to come back and pick up my passport on the 1st of Feb and guess when my plane leaves? on the 1st of Feb !! So that was close. But.. yes, there's a but.. they need a receipt from the university to confirm that I did paid my tuition fees. The receipt didn't arrived until yesterday !! 31st of Jan. I was soooooo worried coz the lady also told me: "no receipt, no visa". Ahhhhhhhh, so now everything is taken care of, I finally can relax.

One last thing (I think), this is really cool. My plane will land in Christchurch and I will be staying at a friend's place for 2 nights before getting a bus back down to dear o' Dunedin. My friend told me that it was fine, but she will be going to London on the same day !! therefore, I have to find my way there. Bummer !!! but (right, there's a few buts) I recieved her e-mail today, saying that her plane is delayed and she will be able to pick me up and spend some time with me. YES !!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok ok, I can't think of anything else to write about now. I better head off and make sure that I don't leave anything behind. It will probably do me good to pray that my luggage will not exceed the weight limit... hmm, maybe 5 pair of shoes is a little bit too heavy. Hahahaha.. see you guys soon !!!

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