Sunday, August 27, 2006


Work starts tomorrow.. and uni starts this Saturday. Kinda exciting (mainly about Uni) and kinda dreadful (yeah.. totally about work).

I've been thinking a lot about what I've achieved in my life. I feel that I haven't really achieved anything spectacular. I feel as if I've wasted many years of my life doing things half heartedly. I wish I can be one of those people who did well in school.. I wish I could turn back time and maybe.. just maybe.. I could change my life around.

"I wish".. always going to be "I wish"... wishes are good but these kind of wishes can really ruin your life and waste your time. I should not think about it anymore.. what I should do is focusing on doing my best NOW..

but I can't help wishing..

I want a scholarship.. that enables me to go abroad and pursue my study.. but I'm just not good enough.. not clever enough.

Well, I'll try anyway.. I might go on an exchange programe.. and who knows.. maybe I could achieve something spectacular this time.

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