Monday, January 08, 2007

Elusive title of a song..

Sometime back in 2004, I heard a song by a guy and I am pretty sure the title contains the word "beautiful" and unfortunately it is rather a common term so when I googled it up..*sigh*.. nightmare. I do remember the MV tho, it's black and white video with the singer riding a bicycle while singing. I tried google THAT too.. I should've known better *rolled eyes* So I shift my attention back on downloading Keane's first album which I think is far better than their 2nd one.

I watched "Goodbye Lenin" for the first time today. Ogi & Helen recommended to me quite sometime ago. The movie okay but I don't think it'll be on my list of favorite movies. The movie that I recently added to my list is "Being Julia". Jane recommended that to me since half a century ago. I know it's not that long but my days in NZ does feel like another life time. Jane mentioned something about Annette Bening's brilliant she's more than right. Despite my several attempts in watching the whole movie from beginning till end. The whole "Being Julia" experience for me is like that of "Memento" - first time I watched a few moments before the end, the second time I watched from 3/4 part of the movie onwards, the third time I watched the last 50% of the movie and so on...very disconnected but it still makes sense.

Putting movies and songs aside, I am quite sad because I suppose to be picking Mel up from the airport instead of writing this blog. Unfortunately, because of the bombings, Mel's trip has been cancelled. I can not believe that things are starting to go wrong from the start of the year. I was really looking forward to Mel's visit. I hope that things will get progressively better from now. I hope that all the unrest in Thailand will come to an end because this is getting really ridiculous. Actually I heard some unverified info about the terrorists down South. According to the news, these terrorist have been taught since childhood that killing innocent people is OK and they can receive "good karma" from it. Those who did the teachings took the teachings from the Koran and totally changed it. No surprises there as we can see the same thing happening to the Bible and Buddha teachings as well.. but it gets even more absurd. It is said that they also have been taught that if they kill a innocent person during Ramadan festival, they recieve double dosage of "good karma".

As time progress, the value of human life diminishes. People starts to use religious teachings for their own selfish cause. I guess not only human value is diminishing but also morale.

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