Tuesday, November 01, 2005

November already.. and soon 2005 will be over

I already had three exams in the last 2 weeks and still, I don't feel like I am in the middle of my exam period at all. 6 and 1/2 days until my last exam for my degree.. oh well, I probably going to have panic attack on the day. Hmm, wonder what it will feel like walking out of that exam and know that that was it... it's all over now

Today, I'm in a very "meh" mood. I can't be bother doing anything. Suppose to be studying but can't be bother. My desk and bed is so messy but can't be bother tidying it up. At least I've learned a few things recently

1. Never study with your significant other.. it just does not work
2. TradeMe is very addictive.. avoid it at all costs
3. Treasure your friends and flatmates.. eventhough they might drive you crazy
4. Staying in the sun too long can make you feel sick
6. Never take clean water, easy-access to food & shelter for granted
7. Most importantly, be thankful for each day

Last night I went to meet World Vision's Philip Maher, an award-winning photojournalist from Canada, with Ben. Philip talked about the famines in wars in places like Somalia, Afghanistan, Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Bosnia and etc. It such an eye opener.. hearing stories of all these horrible things that's going on on the other parts of the world and how organisations are trying to reach out and help those sufferers... it certainly makes you things about your life and how fortunate you are..

Right, Neuropharmacology is calling me.. I should attempt to study since I've been distracted from study for the past few weeks.. MEH !!


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