Monday, October 10, 2005

And I'm back bloggin'...

Whoa! I haven't blog for exactly a month and 9 days. What a slacker !! Well, I went through the anti-blog stage for a while... until today. Hopefully, I'll keep updating this blog and stop being so lazy.

So how am I doin'? Surprising good actually. No more stress from organising the ball or from having so many assignments due at the same time. This semester, I decided to be more organised with my time. But my turn-up to lectures is a bit disappointing.. especially friday ones.

So much is happening at the moment. Exams, dance rehearsals (4 nights a week, on top of the normal classes I go to, I mean.. really !!), assignments, reports, a presentation and a debate. I can't wait for it all to be over.. so I can wind down, relax and dance some more. The rehearsal is for the demo we're performing at the Women Expo this coming weekend. Am I excited? Nah, not really.

I'm actually in a really good mood lately (katie & mel, if you're reading this, stop grinning!!!). I've realised that I haven't spend much time with Mel at all (ah, poor Mel, deprived of my awesome company) but we've done quite a bit of catching up.. it's awesome. I finally realised that it's going to be really weird (and sad) without her as a flatmate next year. Boo..

Oh !! DW is almost on so I better stop here.. leave comments folks !!

Choa ~~

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