Sunday, July 01, 2007

Squirrel vs Ginger cat

I am watching my squirrel making a fool of him/herself (its sex is still unidentified). Those of you visit my blog might've know about this little squirrel (what did I named it?? was it "Sparky"?) and its gang that steal the fruit from my promegranate tree.

well.. now it just realised that it might not be as easy anymore.

For some reason the outter wall of my house gets a very regular visit from a ginger cat as well. As we are in the middle of rainy season, my promegranate tree is very fruitious and the visits from both the squirrel gang and the cat increase in frequency.

So here I am, typing away, listening to Audioslave, sipping my morning coffee, and watch cat-and-squirrel chase.

I am still determine to name all the squirrels (there's about 4 in total) and, since the cat decided to join our lttle party, I think I will name the cat as well.

So, all ye faithful readers, any ideas?

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