Thursday, June 07, 2007

Salsa.. the dance of passion

Been a long while since I last blogged.

Well.. I'm still working for Wyeth, class started last month and I only have 1 class/week (pretty sweet if you ask me), will be really starting on my thesis soon (fingers cross), and will start my internship at Bangkok Refugee Center next week. I will be counselling refugees and maybe I will get a chance to visit some refugees in prison.

I've been coughing for the past 3 days. *sigh* Don't know why I suddenly come down with sore throat and coughs. I wish I could blame it on the lychees I ate before my throat starts hurting but it is kinda insensible to blame my condition on a fruit.

Ooh.. exciting news, I'm learning salsa (specifically New York style)!! I had my first class last Monday which was kinda boring as it is devoted to basic steps, which I know how to do already. I wish I could skip it but I figured that learning from step 1 will be better than what I do now - I freestyle with someone who already know salsa. It's like dancing in the dark coz I only know the basic steps and basic turns so when the guy start leading me into slight more complicated moves.. I'm lost. Lucky that I know how to follow or else my partner would go home with bruised feet.

Where I am learning this wonderful dance? At Rumpuree Dance Studio (hmm.. they should pay me for this). What attracts me to Rumpuree is that they don't teach mainstream dances like ballroom, waltz, cha-cha, etc. They focus more on the cultural aspect... they offer dances like carnival samba, african dance, and afro-carribean just to name a few... and I do wish I could learn them all!!

Right, da boss is here, so I should get on with work.

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