Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I am at work, sipping my iced Ovaltine and writing a new post instead of doing my work.

I prefer cold drinks in the morning because it is very refreshing.

I had 3 hours of Microcounselling class last night, and we did some role-play

My group is of 6 people. One therapist, one client, 5 observers. I was the therapist.

My case was a middle aged woman who just moved back with her abusive husband with her two children, she decided to seek professional help because she start having doubts about her decision.

It was a long day, I couldn't wait for the class to be over, but I wished the role-play lasted longer than it was.

My "client" feels that it is OK for her husband to hit her...and that statement sent the my other group members to shed their role of observers to become therapists.

I was not being a very good therapist. I didn't have the patience to listen and I was to forceful. Mainly because I felt genuinely concerned for her children safety even though I know that they are imagined characters. Also because I feel very strongly about domestic violence. I was trying to make her see why it is not OK for a man to hit a woman. I was too forceful.

It humble me. It made me realised that some women are willing to take the blows in order to be with her husband.. and it made me realised how ill-equipped I am to help these women.

I can't wait to be a counsellor.

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