Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas is approaching!! Not that I have anything special planned but it means that Patrick will be here!! Yessss!! It would be awesome to meet up with him and take him around Bangkok. Wish I know a place where we can do a bit of Ceroc... but I know that it will only make me miss NZ more.

Good news tho, Mel is planning to come here. I pray that her parents would say yes.. I really miss Mel.. it would be great to hang out with her again if only for a few days. I don't know where I would take her yet but I do know some good shopping places around here. Aaah.. shopping.

Had an intervew at Gfk today. It is a company that does market research and I applied for the position of Research Executive (sounds dashing huh). It went rather well and I really hope that I get this job, if not, then I really hope it because that something better will come my way. I planned to quit uni for a while and focus on working. Doing Master straight after Bachelor have its plus and minus. It means that I don't have to get out of my "Student" mode but it means more study. It can be tiresome after a while. It was making me rather depressed and my motivation rushed out of me as soon as I look at my books/notes. Like air rushing out of deflating balloon.

Tomorrow I have another interview at Marcus Evans, "producers of global summits, strategic business conferences, congresses and corpo", fingers crossed!!

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