You see, I have this nagging pain in my left knee whenever I put weight on it or bending it. It started sometime during the weekend but I thought I only pulled a muscle so didn't give it that much mine. But then the pain decided to make itself home. So after 4 days, I finally had enough. I went to see an orthopeadist.
And he told me that he has two hypotheses to why my knee hurt the way it did. One, he thinks that I somehow injured my right lateral ligament. Wait, is that what it's called? Crap, I don't even remember anthing from anatomy lectures back at Uni. What a waste of 1,300+ NZD! Meh, don't worry. I'll google it.
Funny how the term "google" became both a noun and a verb.
Wouldn't it be cool to work at google?
I still think that wikipedia is a great site if you want to know something. But for some reason, no one says "I'll wikipedia it".
Aaah.found it! it's medial collateral ligament of my left knee.
Anyway.. he also suspects that if my medial ligament wasn't the one that got injured then he thinks it might be that I've torn my meniscus. Weird, I don't remember doing anything harsh on my knee. I would surely remember if I did some serious harm to any of my body parts. Wouldn't you?
So anyway, he gave me a bunch of very expensive medications (one makes me very sleepy and I have to take that after every meal!) and told me that if the pain doesn't go away in a week then it means that the injury is surely at my meniscus.
And that is bad. Cery bad.
Good news is.. today is the 6th day and my knee feels perfect! Yes!
Ha! no money for you now Mr. Orthopeadist!
Annnd one more news. Steph & Mon is here! Gosh, I am so happy to see them again. They looked gorgeous! As you can see from the photo below.

Urgh.. the medicine is taking off and affecting my mental state. I better go.